PRODUCTHEAD: Success theatre

like spinning products


Posted on Monday, 2 August 2021


Success theatre undermines the long-term potential of your team and organisation

Small changes can incite a large culture transformation

As organisations grow, they incorrectly start to value the importance of “process” over “product”

Measuring process distracts you from determining whether you are creating value

Quarterly planning is disruptive when it introduces too much new information at once


The genius of Harold Ramis’ Groundhog Day is seeing the novelty of a day lived over and over without consequences turn into a Sisyphean torture for Bill Murray’s character. Only by eventually changing his own selfish motivations and desires does he eventually escape the time loop, a more enlightened man.

Sometimes I find myself repeating something only to eventually realise that I’ve long forgotten why I started doing it in the first place. The repetitive process has become almost reassuring in its familiarity, while its meaning has been lost. I go through the motions because it’s the appointed time to go through the motions.

I felt this most keenly when forecasting annual revenue at one of the companies I used to work for. Each year, we’d spend weeks creating countless iterations of a financial projection for our product portfolio to be reviewed, rejected and rewritten. It was a repetitive and time-consuming process. It was also utterly devoid of meaning as the Finance and Sales teams would come up with their own budgetary forecasts that bore no relation to each other’s, ours, nor reality.

It was all very well to forecast a 30% increase in product sales, but it was difficult to see how that would happen if we were going to repeat next year exactly what we’d done this year when sales were flat. In the absence of any meaningful change in approach, we would see exactly the same outcome. And that’s exactly what we saw.

Why did we, like so many other companies, torture ourselves in this way?

One answer might be that we’d come to associate the wrong activity with the desired outcome. Perhaps long ago we used to do a combination of things, some of which directly translated into product revenue (working hard to understand and address unmet user needs), while others had no bearing one way or the other (annual forecasting).

Over time we had dropped the meaningful activities and retained the meaningless ones, still hoping that we would achieve the desired outcome by going through (some of) the motions.

If you’re in the middle of it all, it can be difficult to break free of the loop. Repetitive process has an organisational momentum to it: the activity is expected by all involved; and completing it is often rewarded in some way. Sometimes you need an external perspective (or the five whys) to lift the veil and reveal the inherent pointlessness. Then you can start doing something more worthwhile instead.

In Groundhog Day, Phil Connors gradually came to realise that his variations on the same mistakes led nowhere, and only by self-improvement and prioritising others’ needs above his own was he able to escape his personal hell. Maybe a similar approach would work at your organisation :-)

This week I’ve collected some candid articles for you that shine a light on the theatre of meaningless repetitive activity we find ourselves doing. Drop me a line if they resonate with your own experience.

Speak to you soon,


what to think about this week

Success Theater …

There’s something about the phrase “success theater” that immediately hits home. You just know what it means.

It’s hearing you hit the quarterly goal, but knowing the corners you had to cut (and the people who will have to clean up the mess), listening to someone rattle off vanity metrics that say nothing, but claim everything, or being told you’re not a team player for having some doubts about a recent “win”. It’s all optics and smoke and mirrors, and the experience sucks.

Re-evaluate your definitions of success


The Metrics Of Digital Transformation: Small Steps to Outcome-Based Innovation

“We’ve committed to a multi-year digital transformation program but all our measures of success are still focused on what date we’re going to deliver, all the requirements that need to be built, and making sure we stay within budget. If we ask what success is, we’re told it’s getting our project done.”

A sad tale of culture transformation gone wrong


Product management coaching

Whether you’re new to product management or have been a product manager for years, a coaching session can help you to step up your career.

We’ve coached people wanting to get into product management, product people with nobody in their organisation to manage them, and experienced product managers preparing to apply for a promotion.

We can help you prepare for your product manager interview, including mock interviews.

A proportion of the fees from every coaching session is donated to charity.

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Ludovic Lacay
Ludovic Lacay
Ludovic Lacay
Co-founder & Chief Product Officer, Napo

Find out more about product management coaching

Why Companies Do “Innovation Theater” Instead of Actual Innovation

As organizations grow, they begin to prioritize process over product. That impedes real innovation. When organizations realize this, they typically respond in three ways: By hiring consultants to do a reorg (that’s “organizational theater”), adopt new processes such as hackathons to spur innovation (that’s “innovation theater”), or take steps to try to reform their bureaucratic behaviors (that’s “process theater”).

The very processes that made you successful now impede you


Agile Success Theater

Recently, I was talking with my good friend Wil about going through the motions of Agile but not feeling like you’re making tangible progress. He raised the point that a common problem with Agile is that you can easily feel like you’re succeeding when you’re actually not.

Going through the motions, making no difference


Fixing Quarterly Planning

This post is about making quarterly planning more effective. You may have an awesome quarterly planning approach. If so… You’re A Winner! For many PMs — especially at bigger companies — the process is fraught with pain and frustration.

Development teams were never the bottleneck


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Aaaaaarrrrrrgggh. It depends


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Change means doing things differently, not just a rebrand


can we help you?

Product People is a product management services company. We can help you through consultancy, training and coaching. Just contact us if you need our help!

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Jock Busuttil
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Freelance head of product, coach, author & founder of My surname tends to come up as ‘Bushtit’ in spell-checkers. Blog at